Waitangi Day Service
Entry Requirements: 18+
All welcome!
We invite you to join us, our Honorary Chaplains the Dean of St Albans Jo Kelly-Moore and Fr James Titley for a commemorative Waitangi Day church service back at St Lawrence Jewry, followed by a reception at the Worshipful Company of Girdlers' Guildhall close by in Basinghall Avenue. Not all tickets include a drinks and canapé reception after the service.
Service Details: Starts at 6.30pm prompt on Tuesday 6th February 2023. St Lawrence Jewry, next to Guildhall.
Followed by reception at: Girdlers’ Hall, Basinghall Avenue, City of London, EC2V 5DD (Please note: NOT all tickets will give access to the Girdler's reception. The reception is for adults only. However, children are welcome at the church service, free of charge)
Entry to the Church and Girdler's reception will be via a guest-list and online or printed paper ticket-only with ID. The tickets will be emailed out to you a few days prior to the event, these must be brought with you including ID on the evening, please.
Tickets are non-refundable but are transferable - please notify us at ticketing@nzsociety.co.uk so we can update our guest-list.